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Zeal for the Ordinary

for the fierce journey of daily living
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Get it Done

It is amazing how fast a self imposed deadline can sneak up on you every week. It doesn’t matter really. I don’t have a huge following; no one is dependent on my writing for anything, and the whole idea of my website is purely hobby.   However, I committed...

Parenting Solutions

A quest for the Holy Grail! Such is the journey for the best parenting solutions I read every parenting book ever written for the best tried and true wisdom. Really, I am searching for the silver bullet, the perfect puzzle piece to forever make complete the insanity...

Call to Arms

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs: “Ambition bred from discontentment is a dangerous journey leading to more discontentment.” I want to expound on this: there is always SOMETHING that triggers ambition and calls you to action. My thoughts lean toward the idea  that...

Nighttime Parenting

This too shall pass. (My thoughts during a difficult parenting DAY.)   But it shan’t. And I’ll never sleep again and be miserable forever. (My thoughts during a difficult parenting NIGHT.) There is nothing quite like the early parenting years of being in a constant...

Budget Must Have

In 2014 the typical middle class American household earned $53,657 while the median income throughout the world was roughly $10,000. Wouldn’t Americans be able to be quite generous with that massive surplus above what more than half the world makes do with? Let’s...

Real Life Meal Planning

It’s that time of day again.  It comes everyday, rain or shine. As consistent as taxes.  As ignorable as a splinter stuffed paper cut soaked in lemon juice with rubbed in salt.  Dinner time.  I have 3 children and a hardworking husband, and I might deserve a...


My name is Katelyn.  

I inhale reality and exhale ideals, spilling the half-full glass on my way to explain myself.

I adore nonsense about as much as my husband adores utility: the happiest medium being our fridge magnets: which are cat butts.

Connect with Katelyn

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