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Holiday Hacks

Holiday Hacks

Oh, you know me- I’m the holiday expert.   If you’re rolling your eyes, know that I am too. I don’t even have a tree up in my house yet, but whatever- this is my blog. – Here are a few helpful things making me and/or my family feel special at this time of year!...
Book Rant: Peekaboo

Book Rant: Peekaboo

KID´S BOOK RANT: PEEKABOO BOOKS Book Title: Every peekaboo book ever written Author: Every author who has ever written a peekaboo book Recommend: Highly R A N T The peekaboo book category is a lesser known children’s literature genre most notable for its content of...
Gratitude Attitude

Gratitude Attitude

Nothing says teaching your kids how to be gracious and thankful like snarling, “I SAID, say THANK YOU!” a thousand times a day.  Perhaps THAT is the sentiment that gets into my little Lainy when recently, after I spent an hour searching for her lost sippy cup,...
Demanding Toddlers

Demanding Toddlers

I am so proud of my 2-year-old daughter I could scream. Not my normal scream: my normal scream is usually a mix of panic, desperation, and unbelief at whatever a toddler has climbed, eaten, hit, thrown, snuck, or destroyed.  No, the scream I feel welling up inside me...
Mop 2

Mop 2

Here we go again: the delicate topic of, “Letting it go and if it returns it was meant to be…”  Obviously, it is time, yet again- … to talk about: my mop.  If you missed my random blog about the love and hate of my “mop.” View it HERE.  Here we...
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