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I’ve talked about my tendency to be a little on the, “semi-crunchy” side. You can read about that HERE. If that isn’t your thing- move along. 

I find change very difficult. Especially when it comes to food and family goals- more specifically food that I want to feed my family. I can’t ever just say, ”Well from now on this is what my family will eat!” It doesn’t work that simply. 

But what I have found the past few years, rather than making larger sweeping, “cutting out” goals is this:setting a reasonable goal where you are ADDING something in can be way easier. Like, instead of saying, “Low carb” aim for “More protein.” For many of us this makes those decisions way less overwhelming. Of, instead of saying, “This year we will eat no sugar or processed foods!”  I would say, “This year I am going to add in more proteins and vegetables at every meal and have good snack options around at all times!”

Being “healthy” or “natural” can mean lots of things to lots of people. I believe in making small sustainable goals. 

A few years ago I had been learning about bone broth, and I finally decided I wanted to make bone broth a regular part of my family’s diet. I didn’t specify a minimum or maximum amount of broth consumption. Just that I wanted it IN my family’s diet. It was a success! I got in the habit of making and integrating it into our life- because I wasn’t overwhelmed by an entire diet overhaul. 

The next year, the goal was to add fermented foods in various forms to be a regular part of our diet.  That year I experimented with home brewed kombucha, sauerkraut, and various garlic ferments – until we settled on a few different brands of sauerkraut we liked. Again, a small change that became a regular habit, and no overwhelming overhaul. 

All this to say- I make a small goal and just see how it goes until it’s a habit. 

This year, as I mentioned in a previous post, will be all about meal preparation, particularly the meals BESIDES dinner — specially lunches for my husband and I. I don’t want to put pressure on us as far as the content of those lunches, just that they happen- they become habit- and then next year a new ambition. 

Healthy is relative. But this year I am considering upping my meal planning game to be an integral part of my attempts at, “natural and healthier living.” Small and steady- this year I just want to make sure I am planning lunches and breakfasts regularly. NEXT year maybe I’ll be ready to transform some more content of those pre-planned meals. 

So for your healthy lifestyle, what are your small intentions for the new year?

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