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And just like that! Christmas is OVER. 

I am gearing up for the new year-are you? 

 If you’ve been around for a while you know how I REALLY feel about New Year’s goals. See my post from last year HERE. 

Here we are, teetering on the edge of the new year and I am ready to revamp. I didn’t exactly fall flat on my face with my goals for 2019- but as per usual I definitely lost some motivation through the summer. I am ending the year strong, completing many of the intentions I set out for in the beginning of the year, but now is the time to analyze how to better my habits for next year. 

I was the closest this past year than I had ever been to consistency and follow through, but there is always room for improvement.  So, here are the top 3 things I am doing differently to make this coming year more fluid. 


I work well when I plan my life out. And by plan I don’t mean a super organized or structured plan, but just methods that work to keep me on task and remember what exactly I mean to do with my time. I switched near the end of the year to a more bullet journal  system, and it is working quite well. There still abides the flaw in ANY written system or electronic application methodology… YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER TO OPEN YOUR SYSTEM EVERY DAY. 

This my new step one. Opening my planner, list book, calendar application, or whatever I am using for my system has to be done. I have realized that this is over half the battle for me- out of site and out of mind is too much of a temptation.  From now on, my first step to productivity on any given day will just be- OPEN THE PLANNING METHOD.


Somewhere in the midst of this year my brother encouraged me not to ever open an email I don’t intend to deal with immediately. This has challenged me to hold back my curiosity and actually wait until I have time and interest motivation to deal with the email contents properly. I am enjoying have empty inboxes as opposed to 1000 unread messages. I am deleting, sorting, flagging and responding appropriately, and I’m rarely forgetting to handle something tasked over email. Simple, yet  brilliant. This epiphany is relatively new to me, so I have decided that 2020 is the year I make this habit the normal routine in all my digital inboxes. 


Anyone else like me? I was getting cocky in my ability to crank out a meal on the table more often than not- and I recently had to do a reality check. There has been vast improvement in the meal planning situation of our home in the last few years, but the reality was a little self chat that went like this: “Slow your roll girl. Your kids are sick of rice bitz and banana for breakfast, and your husband and your own self rarely get a decent lunch. How is meal planning going REALLY?”  I am faced with something I never expected… meal planning the meals outside of dinner. I have been in a nutrition-less breakfast rut with my kids and my husband subsists on so many under $2 burritos from del taco than I care to think about. This year I vow to get back into meal planning other meals besides dinner. Meal planning needs to consist of ALL meals. Apparently.

This goal isn’t complicated, but if I can work towards it, could truly mean a great things for me and my family! 

There you have it. 3 ways I plan to transform 2020 into unstoppable awesomeness. What will it take for you to do that to YOUR 2020? 


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