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Oh, you know me- I’m the holiday expert. 

 If you’re rolling your eyes, know that I am too. I don’t even have a tree up in my house yet, but whatever- this is my blog.

– Here are a few helpful things making me and/or my family feel special at this time of year!

– I’ve been keeping Christmas coloring pages around so the kids always have something fun to color of course, but with a side benefit… of anticipating sending out thank you cards after the holidays. When the “kids” send out thank you cards I always like to include some art so they can express their thanks for the gifts received. After the holiday frenzy- it can be hard to chain down a little when you have a time crunch because you want to get thank you cards in the mail! This way they are already colored and ready to go. Although I still plan on dialoguing the thank you card process with my kiddos so we can really try to learn about expressing our appreciation and gratitude.

-Just say no to the holiday parties.  The little years won’t last forever, and there will be plenty of time for holiday hoopla.  I give myself permission not to feel guilty or feel like I’m missing out by saying “no” to various holiday parties. There are many ways to turn on the holiday cheer without the hassle of late night toddler meltdowns or the search for a babysitter. 

-Take advantage of the ignorance of your children. Indoctrinate them with YOUR favorite Christmas music before they can start demanding favorites. I am using silly terms like, “classic” about Nsync’s christmas album, and I have referred to Good Charlotte’s rendition of “Last Christmas” as, “the best version.” Oh, don’t get me wrong, I make them listen to ALL of it- Mannheim Steamroller, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Celtic Women, Amy Grant, Micheael Buble, Straight No Chaser, Pentatonix etc. It’s fun for me to keep in mind how much I am shaping what is “normal” Christmas music in their little brains.

-Christmas lights are usually free. I have never met a toddler that didn’t love lights. We are lucky enough to be in Arizona, and our favorite pastime since Thanksgiving has been to take nightly walks around the neighborhood barefoot and see the lights! 

-Use a fun Advent calendar, trips to grandmas, and other such milestone dates to learn about counting and number recognition and anticipation! We’ve been spending most mornings lately at the calendar talking about dates and time- and doling out stickers for dry pull-ups, but same difference.  

-Give your kids practice in learning how to give throughout the whole year. Practicing the ideas of being helpful, giving, and grateful during their developmental years will go toward helping them to be the same as they grow older. Share the fun and make giving to be a more frequent happenstance than the receiving. One of the ways we like to do this by making treat boxes for daddy’s coworkers and our neighbors and friends and then delivering them in the weeks leading up to the holiday!

-The number one hack I think that really matters in this season is your own attitude! I am remembering how much my attitude sets the tone for my kiddos. If I am excited and able to go with the flow or new or changing plans, they will better handle them too.  Share the joy of the season by choosing to be the joyful and merry and bright that they are learning about! 

Merry Christmas! 

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