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Gratitude Attitude

Gratitude Attitude

Nothing says teaching your kids how to be gracious and thankful like snarling, “I SAID, say THANK YOU!” a thousand times a day.  Perhaps THAT is the sentiment that gets into my little Lainy when recently, after I spent an hour searching for her lost sippy cup,...
Demanding Toddlers

Demanding Toddlers

I am so proud of my 2-year-old daughter I could scream. Not my normal scream: my normal scream is usually a mix of panic, desperation, and unbelief at whatever a toddler has climbed, eaten, hit, thrown, snuck, or destroyed.  No, the scream I feel welling up inside me...
Call to Arms

Call to Arms

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs: “Ambition bred from discontentment is a dangerous journey leading to more discontentment.” I want to expound on this: there is always SOMETHING that triggers ambition and calls you to action. My thoughts lean toward the idea  that...
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