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“You can go away now.” Says my extremely hospitable 3 year old to our JUST arrived guests. 

“Yeah… this is why we host.” I think with an eye roll. My toddlers always seem to say the rudest things to the guests they anticipate with delight.

But really, how else will they learn?   

I used to think that having a bunch of little kids in the house would be a good excuse NOT to host and have people in my house. But guess what?  We love having people over! Sure, the logistics are different and can be a bit challenging sometimes, but hosting guests, neighbors, a play-date, or having parties are totally doable. 

Hospitality doesn’t have to…

…equal a “company ready” house.

Lower your house expectations. My husband insists this is a good thing for my pride. He hates when I go into a cleaning frenzy before company. Although, I often INSIST that one of the ways I show love to my family and friends is by showing my appreciation with cleaning for them and making things special. But really, it isn’t about YOU or what people think of you and your house! An extra layer of dust might make them feel more at home. 

…be only to families with other kids! 

Invite single friends or kidless couples. Give them a taste of the crazy awesome kid-filled life for better and worse. Put the kids to bed early and have uninterrupted grown-up conversations or play games. It can be great to have extra kids to play and entertain each other, but if you are easily overwhelmed or have a bunch of little kids that are currently struggling with playing with outsiders, don’t let that be a reason to deter hospitality. Let them serve the adults for a while, go to bed early, and learn that hosting doesn’t always equal a play date with a friend.

…be just about the guests.

It gives your kids an opportunity to view things outside of their circles. 

A conversation we frequently have here is: “How do you think we make our home pleasant for our guests? Maybe we can pick up toys so they don’t trip?” Or Levi might yell, “I think our guests would want cookies!” And so we bake cookies. Or maybe we choose our favorite toys or books to share with our guests! The possibilities are endless. 

…be for guests who don’t want or need hospitality.

If you are considering hospitality because you want to make a good impression, maybe change your guest list. This may not be the time to invite someone who is known to be high maintenance, or whom you have some burning desire to impress. Most people appreciate any hospitality you are willing to offer; offer the hospitality you are ABLE to provide.  This only expands your guest list really. Give hospitality to those who need or want it! 

Have fun!

Chances are, if Mom and Dad are hospitable and go with the flow, the kids will too. What a better way to teach them to celebrate their ordinary lives than by inviting others to share it with them. 

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