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Zeal for the Ordinary

for the fierce journey of daily living
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Ordinary Living

“You can have an ordinary life and still be happy.”  “An ordinary life can be enjoyable.” This is what the internet has been telling me.  I read this and think, STILL be happy? Really? Why THANK YOU world- for allowing me the shred of hope that perhaps, even...

10 Marriage Hacks

We are celebrating 10 years of marriage this week, so it's time for reflection! I am no marriage expert. But I am a 10-years-of-experience-expert in MY marriage. I hope the next 10 years brings as much new info, and when we hit 20 years I’ll be sure to update...

4 Ways to Maximize Your Money

Now that Kate and I realize that we each communicate differently about money - with me being task oriented and Kate being goal oriented - how exactly do we make the day to day and long term money decisions? The answer is a four step budget that incorporates monthly...

The Ultimate Mom Freedom

Have you ever had a day or evening out ALONE after being with the kids non-stop for weeks on end? You are spent emotionally and physically and you are BEYOND ready to just disappear for a while. Maybe you’re so fed up that you race through good-bye kisses like an...


Do you have people around you who encourage you and drive you to challenge yourself to grow in your interests and passions? I hope you do! I have a few of those people in my life; my brother Zack is one of them. If you don’t know who my brother is, get to know him and...

Toddler Days

Remember how just yesterday you were young, maybe a newlywed, dreaming about the eventuality of a house full for children? Then you blinked and here you are- in a house overrun with hilarious little people. There are occasional days that seem like they will never end....


My name is Katelyn.  

I inhale reality and exhale ideals, spilling the half-full glass on my way to explain myself.

I adore nonsense about as much as my husband adores utility: the happiest medium being our fridge magnets: which are cat butts.

Connect with Katelyn

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