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I will NOT be a part of the system. I will NOT be an active member of our consumerist culture of lusting after supposed “necessary” commodities which only feeds the patriarchal capitalism oppressing my motherhood! The depths of the issue weighs heavy on my heart. By now I know you’ve seen through my veiled attempts at disguising the real issue at hand. Sippy cups. You know this to be true. SIPPY CUPS!

Plastic, stainless steel, glass encased in plastic, straw, hard top, soft top, nipple, chew top, open concept, 360, BPA free, BPA enriched, silicone, or Tupperware. There are theories, there are beliefs, there is guidance that contradicts each other at every corner, and there is a never ending supply in our cupboards. There are overflowing baskets, drawers, or shelves with a variety of cups. Handled and handle-less, ones you rely on and ones you think leak; or maybe not, so you don’t throw it out until you are desperate enough to try it again. I know. We’ve all been there. STOP THE MADNESS! You too can be a part of the solution!

Here are the top 5 ways I have found that freed me from the tyranny of these pint-sized drink-ware! 

In regards to your sippy cup problem…

5. Throw them out

Only keep 1-2 cups per kid. Max. This means keep a sippy cup to go, and one for home. Pick the ones you find yourself using the most and toss the rest. TOSS them. Toss them if you are not sure, toss them if they leak. Toss them if they smell. Toss them if you can’t remember why you have them.

4. Be brand loyal:

If you have ever had one you actually like, stick with that brand, no need to keep trying a gazillion different types. Buy their different types. Then tops/straws and pieces are interchangeable and increases functionality depending on the needs of your child.

3. Don’t save if for the next kid:

 As a foster mom, I have done the early toddler phase a few times, and the frugal part of me is big on sterilizing and saving for the next go round. But I finally gave in. Guess what, sippy cups aren’t THAT expensive (if you quit buying so many of them) so- each kid gets new sippy cups. I love channeling my inner Oprah “YOU GET A SIPPY CUP! YOU GET A SIPPY CUP! EVERYONE GETS A SIPPY CUP!” I

2. Don’t wait for them to figure it out

 I have a kid that couldn’t figure out how to tip a cup to save their life. I had a kid that could throw the 360 cup against the wall and still not get water out of it. And one who couldn’t get liquid up a straw. There is a wide variety of cups for a wide variety of kids. Practice with regular adult cups occasionally, and no need for each to kid to master each type of cup. If it’s not working, re-gift or toss.

1. Water only

 We only ever put water in sippy cups. This negates the need for daily washing and the need for multiple cups during the day. Anything other than water is consumed supervised, at the table, and washed immediately.

Now hands up and receive this charge.

May your silicone not be bitten to holes, may you never lose the necessary pieces s to maintain your favorite combinations. May your children not have favorite colors, and may you never lose the nerve to unscrew the top of a milk cup left in the car for a week. May the non-leaking odds be ever in your favor, now and forevermore.”

Go in peace. 

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